Enjoy this delicious and moist banana bread recipe to add flavor and flair to your breakfast or afternoon tea table. A favorite with our Colorado bed and breakfast guests, this includes simple directions with scrumptious results! Add optional ingredients such as walnuts or pecans or substitute apples for this sweet bread variety.
1 cup sugar
1 stick of butter
1/3 cup milk
2 eggs
5-6 mashed bananas (for apple bread, substitute 2 cups of peeled, cut-up apples)
1-1/2 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon cloves
Directions: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease bottom of a loaf pan. Mix all ingredients together and pour into pan. Bake 1 hour. Freezes very well. Add optional chopped walnuts or pecans for a special treat.
Courtesy of Old Town Guesthouse in Colorado Springs
“What better way to put this ripe fruit to use then with a delicious German banana bread recipe from our Colorado Culinary Inn-Spirations Cookbook. Order yours today to enjoy more innkeeper-tested recipes.”
German Banana Bread is a great innkeeper-tested recipe that is sure to please!
*Bed & Breakfast Innkeepers of Colorado association’s website lists B&B members throughout the state of Colorado, blog, activities and attractions, Inns For Sale and ENewsletter/free statewide bed and breakfast brochure sign up form at www.InnsofColorado.org